*Disclaimer: By using this site, you acknowledge that all image content, game design, or logos of Monopoly are all under copyright protection. The information on this site can be used for personal use only. I don't claim any ownership over the copyrighted material on this site.

my board game main logo

Contact Me

profile picture of arranger of my board game kaden hansen

Kaden Hansen

You can contact me with the links provided below.

My Massive Monopoly project (creating a MASSIVE version based off of Winning Moves® GAMES: Mega Monopoly®) has been an awesome experience. As I grew up, I loved playing Monopoly. I've been playing the game for as long as I can remember, so the thought of creating my own version of this game has always been on my mind. I started this project back in 2020, and I just wanted to make it possible for others to create their own Monopoly game. This site was made to share the progress I've made over these years. If you have any questions about this website, your game, or mine, please feel free to reach out to me with the links below!